Prekindergarten - Ages 4 to 5 years
"The Creative Curriculum for Preschool" makes up the main curricula in our Preschool and PreKindergarten (PreK) classrooms. This is a comprehensive curriculum using clear objectives for development and learning that align with the State of Ohio Department of Education’s Early Learning Development Standards. Our developmentally appropriate curriculum for prekindergarten is organized into 9 areas of development. Social-Emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy, Mathematics, Science & Technology, Social Studies and The Arts.
Our teachers continually assess children’s learning through observations, photographs, collecting facts, analyzing writing and work samples, and asking open ended questions to spark thought and encourage problem solving. Teachers create a portfolio that tracks your child’s progress. We work with families to create educational goals for each child and closely monitored and update these goals quarterly through parent conferences.
Interest areas or centers such as Blocks, Dramatic Play, Toys and Games, Art, Library, Science & Discovery, Sand & Water, Music & Movement, Cooking, Computers & the Outdoors make up the child’s classroom environment and supports all developmental domains. These interest areas are created in the classroom and this purposed environment acts as your child’s second teacher.
At this level, our goal is to develop social skills and peer relations, while building appropriate academic concepts that will ready your child for a smooth transition to Kindergarten. The classroom is divided into inviting interest areas that allow the students and teachers to be mobile within the class. Students are encouraged to practice skills that promote independence and self sufficiency. Building self-esteem and preparing children for the transition to Kindergarten continues to be a priority and focus of the Program.